Fascism! The Socialist Answer


Class Conscious
Jan 5, 2022
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FASCISM is not an alternative to Capitalism. It is Capitalism in its most desperate, violent form. It is a product of the crisis of Capitalism, aiming not at replacing Capitalism by a new social order but by the organisation of a Party and the State seeking to save Capitalism by crushing and destroying every element within society which resists the slavery of Capitalism and every movement within it which seeks to carry society forward to Socialism and Communism. It uses the most modern weapons of violence and repression in its attempt to reverse social evolution. It is the black defender of private property, of rent, interest and profit, in the age when private property and the system of human exploitation based upon it are incompatible with the progressive development of society.

Its record of violence and reaction in those countries where it is in power is known to all. It is not our purpose in the analysis we propose to make to dwell upon its foul and bloody record of working-class and racial persecution. Our purpose is to examine its principles and its theories; to explain its method of deluding masses of people, to show its effects, and to indicate broadly the way to combat it.
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