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  1. PUFAconsumer

    roboba is on [REDACT] rn

    tell him to get on
  2. PUFAconsumer

    free he dont movement
  3. PUFAconsumer


    lamb mogs every other meat to oblivion. we all desert lamb
  4. PUFAconsumer

    woke up super late today

    mirin. yea cuz ur body cares more about waking up the same time than getting enough sleep
  5. PUFAconsumer


    looks like breakfast sausages the obama and bush family eats grassed fed steak while the average american eats caged corn fed zombie pigs
  6. PUFAconsumer

    woke up super late today

    without melatonin? i can do another hour after my 7.5 hours with melatonin but that doesn't really count
  7. PUFAconsumer

    woke up super late today

    its funny because 6am to 4pm is 10 hours 2.5 hours to contemplate his life in bed
  8. PUFAconsumer

    Guide Rnc explained

    no tag no care
  9. PUFAconsumer


    from my muslim friend- they buy at halal butcher in bulk i live in a poor area some stores dont even bother stocking steak you have a lot of muslims in your country i thought there'd be more muslim amenities
  10. PUFAconsumer

    woke up super late today

    last night slept early. woke up 12am had to take a whizz cant sleep after so i watched anime until 6am. i realize thinking of wierd shit makes me sleep. something close to reality but just one rule broken and ignore trhat rule in favor of weirdness/creativity and eventually i sleep woke up 2pm...
  11. PUFAconsumer


    i dont even know where to get lamb meat besides buying a plate of biryani
  12. PUFAconsumer

    Real Matters Why is prime Afflek never talked about?

    hello sir i enjoy your avi very much asuka best girl but please refrain from using gifs on this site as we have a very limited bandwidth
  13. PUFAconsumer

    free he dont movement

    that was the last era of predominately american users with critical thinking after that it's all second world savages
  14. PUFAconsumer

    Looksmax 2022 moment

    i realize my past delusions and am reborn as a rnc member
  15. PUFAconsumer

    Looksmax 2022 moment

    recessed dog discovers fire crybaby talking about his bimax imdo chin wing comboes. you know people honk behind him at the drive through obligatory post about curries duesmax refusing to believe its over retard trying to looksmin RNC IS THE SUPERIOR SITE
  16. PUFAconsumer

    Resisting the urge to eat

    Going to wake up early tomorrow and not have breakfast until noon where I will eat and gymcel to get rid of that food right after. No mTor, no leptin, no dull mind. Maxima overdrive.
  17. PUFAconsumer

    Discussion Eastern European Women

    i cant imagine ever falling in love with an eu girl. like you think she loves you but what if this is all just one big joke
  18. PUFAconsumer

    Just had a ton of flan

    cant wait until it digest quickly in i give 1 hour and your fatass goes to eat again
  19. PUFAconsumer

    Real Matters I’m gona take a shit ton of adderol

    we will burn until all that left is pure white ash
  20. PUFAconsumer

    Does age of the mind correlates to the body

    no after the euphoria wears off but i feel stronger, faster, and smarter :^)