Search results

  1. Ryan Garcia


    Didn't ask.
  2. Ryan Garcia


    Well, the USSR had the most natural resources and a high population (289 million in 1990), so these factors would offset the economic inefficient of the socialist system. It is true that before the bolshevik revolution, russia was just a poor agrarian country. By the 1950s, it was an industrial...
  3. Ryan Garcia

    Real Matters I went out.

  4. Ryan Garcia

    Kj gay

    No seas maricón
  5. Ryan Garcia

    Serious Niggers don't have high smv

    Banger thread
  6. Ryan Garcia

    Real Matters This site is dying

    We need some real niggas on here
  7. Ryan Garcia

    Real Matters This site is dying

    I'm here to rejuvenate it.
  8. Ryan Garcia

    Who’s higher SMV darkskin or lightskin black guys?

    Lightskin and it's not even close.
  9. Ryan Garcia

    Serious Why are italians considered the same race as swedish people if they look more like arabs on average?

    brazilians are mostly european, so what do you mean by "monkey"?
  10. Ryan Garcia

    Real Matters Yo

    It feels good being white
  11. Ryan Garcia

    Anyone else feel like they’re cursed

    Your a nobody schizo who posts on incel forums dude.
  12. Ryan Garcia

    LMAO “Latinos mog brooo”

    Keep crying for chadriguez @KJ
  13. Ryan Garcia

    Real Matters There are still good women

    Sand dog moment
  14. Ryan Garcia

    Real Matters Modern masculinity

    So I can fuck stacies easier. Blame the game, not the player.
  15. Ryan Garcia

    Real Matters 

    @Obama @Ohwell @KJ @Luxlife @Daquan
  16. Ryan Garcia

    Real Matters 

    That's all you niggas are capable of Edit: Why is C O PE banned? (Had to make spaces for this reason)
  17. Ryan Garcia

    Serious I have never understood this

    we don't. @KJ
  18. Ryan Garcia

    Serious I have never understood this

    When faggots say latinos are rape babies. Setting aside that latino isn't a race, it's a stupid cope. First off, there's more descendents of conquistadors in latin america than there are in iberia. Second, most european influence came well after the initial conquests of the americas. Third...