Story Some thoughts about Duality

Jan 17, 2022
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Was supposed to post this before then thought it wasn't that interesting but anyway here it go :

From wikisocion

1. Sensing a necessity to meet again. You notice this afterwards, after your first contact. It is something unconscious, perceptive and mysterious. An inevitable feeling as if you need to meet this person again. Unexpectedly, they attached to something within you. Suddenly you begin to understand that you really need to see this person. If you do something, your thoughts are about this person.

2. A Persons who for the first time in their life finds themselves in dual contact tries to remember: “Where could have we meet with before?!” (Of course, it is uselessly). Nevertheless, both are sure they have known each other for many years.

3. The sensation of safety appears for both duals. You observe this sensation and you cannot mix it with something up. A sensation of amazing and undisturbed composure describes this. It happens in the moment, a forming of common atmosphere; it can be easy felt, you intuitively know.

4. Both duals begin to feel simultaneously and equally the “impossibility” to be separated even for short time. It is very an exact and very real sensation of dual contact.

5. Both duals feel something like an internal joy, that fills up the soul. The smile on your face appears like a quiet happy smile of conciliation and rest. The joy as behavior reaction is one of most accurate characteristic of dual dyad. This joy can appear without any certain reason. (Duals can laugh even without any certain reason just looking to each other. This joy arises like from sub consciousness – J.S.)

6. Little by little, both duals begin to feel, the need for maximum and close contact. If persons are not married, then it’s a good start for relations. If both duals have their own families, it is hard to keep their families. It is interesting that it is just natural evolution of the situation. It happens spontaneously like a “matter-of-course”…

7. The leveling of dual energy. This phenomenon appears almost immediately. The duals should just to be together, just to seat close by, sometimes even without touching each other. The maximum term for leveling of dual energy – 40 minutes (it is a result of investigation) and after that duals renew their energy. It does not depend on the depth of the “energy hole”.

8. This is most interesting stage. Duals cannot describe their feelings. You feel so comfortable, so at ease, it is as if you feel nothing at all…Sometimes it is impossible to notice the presence of your dual. Sometimes you completely forget about your dual all, then suddenly you see your dual!!! (How could I forget about them???)

Moreover, absolutely all of the above appears and happens only spontaneously! Unfortunately, sometimes we can truly appreciate our dual only after our time with them is finished and your dual has gone. As they say, sometimes we appreciate somebody only after we lose them. Therefore, dear friend, be attentive to your duals!!!

The part 8 very accurate.

I experienced duality one time with a friend. It happened so many times where he was just near me and i completely forgot about him then saw him and was like how could i forget about him. The lvl of confort is that good. Was everyday with me as well , could spend the whole day with him and then he come over to my house its no problem. I couldn't do this with anyone else and there is some peoples i really liked it's just that you're not always in the best state you know, sometime you have things planned, you're not ready, you just don't feel like it but with your Dual there is 0 anxiety or insecurities, he takes care of it and you subconsciously know it so you'll always allow him near you. They have an appeasing effect on the psyche your better of with him then alone .

And all of this it's cause it's your shadow.

The unconscious functions are also called the shadow by Carl jung.

Your dual functions are lined in the same order as you, just that the unconscious and conscious are reversed. He is basically you but reversed that's also what make it fascinating and so different.

Now a question.

Do you keep an eye on your own shadow?

No you completely forget about it, after all it's just you it's not exactly you but your goals are the same he is lined with you and you have no reason to be anxious. It'll die with you.

Might also be why once Dual are together for some time it become hard to tell who is who. Your shadow just follow what you do, so make sense that as they get closer and spend more time this happen they become more aligned.
Reactions: KJ
Jan 17, 2022
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@KJ have you been able to identify a dual irl.

Tbh it was evident for me i instantly thought about one person, it took me time to really accept it tho cause was in denial didn't wanted to fall for it so easily really needed to make sense to me first .
Reactions: KJ


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Jan 5, 2022
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