afro-carribean nigger who deluded himself into believing he's white and puts on insanely high contrast on his already weird selfies to appear more european-looking. Types in broken low-iq english that no person could ever understand (niggers gonna nig) The worst part is that he's actually good-looking. This nigga could legit slay if he stopped deluding himself into thinking he's dolph lundgren.
james sapphire
Y'all already know i dont even have to say anything
this nigga deluded himself into thinking he's some sort of mullato slayer who slays nordic stacies daily, meanwhile he looks like an inbred egg irl. Most likely he also has Bipolar and dissociative identity disorder. Larps as a bearded islamic jihadist, christian priest, CCP general, Commie lover and Nazi white nationalist all at the same time. Some his posts legit contradict each other
Some of his schizoid threads
56 year old inbred manlet from the deserts of Saudi-arabia writing gay ass fanfiction on an incel forum
Some of his posts :
and lastly, @kms_currycell aka
this user is mentally broken from being a ugly manlet pajeet so he tries to escape his miserable life by posting gay threads about black dicks (ironic considering he has a small curry cock), also posts gore, rape videos, trannies and fantasizes about raping innocent little girls.
D @Obama
afro-carribean nigger who deluded himself into believing he's white and puts on insanely high contrast on his already weird selfies to appear more european-looking. Types in broken low-iq english that no person could ever understand (niggers gonna nig) The worst part is that he's actually good-looking. This nigga could legit slay if he stopped deluding himself into thinking he's dolph lundgren.
james sapphire
Y'all already know i dont even have to say anything
this nigga deluded himself into thinking he's some sort of mullato slayer who slays nordic stacies daily, meanwhile he looks like an inbred egg irl. Most likely he also has Bipolar and dissociative identity disorder. Larps as a bearded islamic jihadist, christian priest, CCP general, Commie lover and Nazi white nationalist all at the same time. Some his posts legit contradict each other

Some of his schizoid threads

56 year old inbred manlet from the deserts of Saudi-arabia writing gay ass fanfiction on an incel forum
Some of his posts :

and lastly, @kms_currycell aka

this user is mentally broken from being a ugly manlet pajeet so he tries to escape his miserable life by posting gay threads about black dicks (ironic considering he has a small curry cock), also posts gore, rape videos, trannies and fantasizes about raping innocent little girls.

D @Obama