Kanye West Ponders Mortality In His Maudlin ‘Dead’ Poem On Instagram


Feb 26, 2022
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Kanye West is trying out a new form of expression lately, sharing visual poems on his Instagram (after deleting all his other posts again) expressing his feelings on “DIVORCE” and on death with his latest, “DEAD.” Ye, who is legally separated from Kim Kardashian, reflected on the couple’s ongoing divorce with his last poem, which found him comparing the feeling to having “full-blown COVID” and rolling his ankle on the first play of the Super Bowl.

In his latest, he imagines being dead without knowing it — a la the ghosts from The Sixth Sense, I suppose — and the world going on without him, despite his best efforts to continue participating in life. He also spells “prayed” as “pread,” so it’s a pretty typical Kanye work in that sense (remember when he had us all going along with “apologin’?”). He also, apparently begrudgingly, offered the following by way of explanation of the poem/rap, lest it be taken out of context. Still, I don’t think any of us would complain if he took a break and reached out to a therapist. You can read the poem in full below.

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