A Florida high school will retire its “Chiefs” mascot following an emotional school board meeting over the Native American symbol.
An online petition with more than 6,000 signatures sought to keep the mascot.
Many graduates of Chamberlain High School told the school board on Tuesday that they believe the mascot conveyed honor and respect.
But student leaders and the district’s Native American Parent Advisory Council recommended the change after a survey found 58% of students consider the “Chiefs” tradition offensive.
The school plans to raise the $50,000 needed to change the school’s branding and uniforms, and students will select a new mascot this fall.
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An online petition with more than 6,000 signatures sought to keep the mascot.
Many graduates of Chamberlain High School told the school board on Tuesday that they believe the mascot conveyed honor and respect.
But student leaders and the district’s Native American Parent Advisory Council recommended the change after a survey found 58% of students consider the “Chiefs” tradition offensive.
The school plans to raise the $50,000 needed to change the school’s branding and uniforms, and students will select a new mascot this fall.
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Changing School Mascot
1. Is the “Chiefs” mascot offensive to Native Americans?- Yes, it's offensive to Native Americans and should be changed.
- No, the mascot conveys honor and respect.
- I'm unsure.
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