Ask HN: Solo Dev Stack of 2022?

Hacker News

Sep 15, 2022
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I am mostly interested in what ties together backend and frontend, the later necessarily including web + android/ios, in the most time effective way possible in 2022.
Things I am looking for:
* The web/app one man show stack. What's the most reasonable way to get there, alone, assuming you start from scratch with now expectations about the tech you are going to use.
* Flexibility, initial dev speed and maintainability. I am looking for a stack that can work reasonably well for websites and apps, on the web + android + ios, or any subset of those. The less redundancy and additional parts to learn to make it all work, the better.
Things I am willing to give up:
* App speed and performance, specially on the client side. webviews are okay, if it eases the dev process.
* Matureness. I assume if something had already won in this space it would be apparent.
* Beginner-friendliness. I don't need any amount of no code, and I don't care if it's easy to pick up (but if it's not I do expect something tangible in return for my additional brain cells. I am not looking for something exotic, for the sake of being exotic. If there's two solutions that check all the other boxes equally, for this particular exercise, I am going to pick the one that's simpler.)
Things I am currently looking at include Flutter and Meteor, and maybe Rails with Hotwire (as soon as Strada is released). There's no need for all the required tech to fly under one name, but I'll probably grow increasingly suspicious the longer the list grows.
EDIT: If you take the time to respond, that's super cool, but if you are actually trying to answer the question, please be specific and point at the individual components.

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Points: 15

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