$50 for a haircut and beard trim


Apr 18, 2022
Reaction score
I can only get fat girls
Hey man, I can relate in the anxiety of it all. I just wanted to say that nobody's keeping score and there's no timer running. It'll happen eventually. I was 21 when I first had sex, then it took me 3 years before the second time happened. Then 3 MORE years before I had my first girlfriend. Don't worry about it. Just be yourself, be likeable and be hygienic. And keep talkin to girls. Not to get a girlfriend, just to get a conversation going. Maybe something will come out of it, maybe not. It doen't matter. As long as they go away with a 'good image' of you. If anything they'll potentially give you a good 'review' if someone who is interested in you asks them about you. Reputation kinda matters in that way.

Just don't be a dick, but also not a 'simp'.

I believe in you!

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