50 Cent Calls Out STARZ & Says He's Got Nothing On The Air For 6 Months


Feb 26, 2022
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50 Cent called out STARZ on Instagram over the weekend, amidst his ongoing feud with the network regarding his series, Power Book IV: Force. 50 says that following the final four episodes of the first season of Force, he will have nothing airing on STARZ for the next six months.

“I have 4 more episodes of FORCE, then I don’t have anything airing on STARZ for six months so y’all know the vibes," 50 wrote in a post showed during a fan-made TikTok that the rapper shared on Saturday.

50 Cent, STARZ

Christopher Polk / Getty Images

In the caption of his reposting of the TikTok, 50 wrote: “FORCE is the highest rated premier of any show on the network. when they take too long to green light it, it pushes the production time line back. after tonight’s episode there are 3 left, April 10 it’s a wrap. Then 6 months till i have anything new.”

Over the last month, 50 has voiced his frustration with STARZ in several posts on social media. On March 1, he announced that he was officially done with the network.

"This is me packing my stuff, STARZ," he wrote on Instagram at the time. "Sucks, my deal is up over here I’m out. They Renewed High town and FORCE is the highest rated show they have sitting in limbo. If I told you how much dumb sh*t I deal with over here. you would think they all went to school on a small yellow bus."

Check out 50's newest post calling out the network below.


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