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  1. G

    Anyone ever have this day dream when they were in 3rd grade?

    Not my fault I was a messed up kid...
  2. G

    Anyone ever have this day dream when they were in 3rd grade?

    When I was bored one day in my science class I thought to myself what if I had a daughter and then I fucked my daughter then she had a kid and I fucked the kid... What would happen like you could keep doing this forever how inbred could you get the offspring... before it all became miscarriages...
  3. G

    News My Dad got in a fight with me when he found my Nazi flag collection :(

    I screamed and cried "I wish Hitler was my dad instead of you!" He's giving me one week to pack up do I really deserve this guys?
  4. G

    Just got humiliated in starbucks today when a black woman asked me out...

    Who does she think she is I'm White 6 foot and my facial features are impeccable now I know how women feel being asked out but incels all day its so awful