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  1. F

    Met up with a looksmax user irl

    The experience of meeting up with someone from online irl the first time is surreal, it breaches the walls between separate worlds in your life Luckily he wasn't a psycho, had quaint civil conversation: no autism whatsoever
  2. F

    Why Christianity is so hated by the left

    Aside from the obvious, ie satanism(knowing or unknowing). Christianity offers a concrete foundation for all thoughts and considerations. Designated gender roles, clear purpose, constant reaffirmation of heavenly love, and morality being quite literally in stone. Completely contra to the liberal...
  3. F


    @KJ the vaxx is mandated for school here btw, as in public school Probably gonna ditch this account now. I wish you all the best
  4. F


    Feel terrible about it. Can't undo it, nor did I even do it myself. My best hope(save for providential help) is that nanoparticles aren't put on there anymore after the vaxx was popularized. The feeling of that thing going all the way to the back of your nose is, within itself, awful. I know...
  5. F


    I had a really painful abscess which formed very quickly and I went to the ER, waited 5hours for care. They gave me a bunch of painkillers and put a swab in my nose without asking, just stuck it in there. Went to a hospital after and the same thing happened but I was so tired by then(6 or...
  6. F


    Mundane life for the most part I had the covid test imposed on me while half conscious at a hospital. I was in a lot of pain and delirious so didn't really object. But, of course, it has nanoparticles which go to your skull and that's been causing me havoc recently I also met up with a...
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    How have you been?