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    Bad One Niggers are parasites @Mindset
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    Real Matters “People of color” is a psyop used on non whites to make them see whites as evil.

    @Mindset @Chadriguez There is nothing that ties spics to blacks to arabs.
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    Bioenergetics Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Thread

    Important B vitamin, needed to process carbohydrates. Benfotiamine is the form I’m using rn. It is an artificial form of B1 that is fat soluble. I am also taking a B complex and the form of B1 in there is thiamine hydrochloride.
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    Tiktoker claims seed oils and omega 6 isn’t bad. @KJ @Mindset @Gargantuan @USERNAME What is he on? Surely seed oils are bad aren’t they?
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    MUFAs displace PUFAs?,by%20exogenous%20saturated%20fatty%20acids Post 12
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    Are essential fatty acids actually essential?

    Omega 3 is a PUFA. @KJ @Ohwell How do the scientists reach this conclusion?
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    How good are these? They provide Folate, Vitamin E, Potassium, and Magnesium. @Ohwell @KJ
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    Why do Japanese people live so long if their diet is full of PUFAs from fish?

    Isn’t omega 6 the main issue, from seed oils?
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    Does anyone know a looksmax mod

    @Gargantuan I want back into my Aladin account. Help me out this is Pinkwell
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    Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, and White Rice.

    How are these? They don’t have gluten but they aren’t fruits either. What’s the verdict? Remember I’m talking white rice which doesn’t have all the antinutrients other rices have. @KJ @Ohwell
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    Which egg is the best. @KJ
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    Bioenergetics Over 98% of people don’t get enough potassium. @KJ @Ohwell @Gargantuan @Danny Dalit
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    Discussion Apple Pectin and Milk Thistle, good supplements?

    @KJ @Gargantuan thoughts? Apple Pectin Milk Thistle
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    Dang. Is anyone here?

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    How do I turn off my coin notification?

    Title @KJ @Ohwell
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    Sad Life cycle of a JB

    @KJ @Ohwell @Chadriguez @Gargantuan
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    Question Which fleshlight would you rather coom into?

    Fleshlight A: An expensive one, which has been coomed into a bunch of times, but has been cleaned thoroughly. This fleshlight also has good reviews. Fleshligh B: A cheap one, but has never been used by anyone else. This has moderate reviews. Remember, fleshlight A has gone through a cleaning...
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    Serious Age of consent may be the only type of law, which dictates your loss of rights as you get older.

    If you want to vote, you have to reach age 18. Meaning as you age, you gain rights. (The 22 year old man has more rights than the 15 year old boy) If you want to drink alcohol, you have to be 21. Meaning as you age, you gain rights. (The 22 year old man has more rights than the 15 year old boy)...
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    What are filling foods low in calories

    @KJ give me some ideas