Recent content by Fap&Coomsplode

  1. F

    Moneymaking How Do I “Win” in a Capitalist Economy?

    They went to college because "it's the thing to do" but when they got an idea to catch money they followed another path... If you don't have a good idea to catch money then dropping out of college is a bad move, because college at least gives you a fake status and a social shield...
  2. F

    Moneymaking How Do I “Win” in a Capitalist Economy?

    You win when you study the concept of "human rights" and you respect private property...
  3. F

    The lower you go in the hierarchy

    I do it for free, this pisses off people that do it for money and do it worse than me
  4. F

    Real Matters Iv never attracted a non fat woman

    i know math so can create shaders on blender with the help of math functions, this is at least something I can do with math.
  5. F

    Vent Forums dead

    Too bad for you, I had a good job offer
  6. F

    LMAO Brutal beta male marriage

    i didnt watch the video, just saw a couple made with a bimbo insagram slut and a redpill roider
  7. F

    LMAO Brutal beta male marriage

    I like her, I think she is attractive and he looks more alpha than me. Nice couple but they are evidently not rich enough for marriage.
  8. F

    LMAO Brutal beta male marriage

    marriage is expensive, nowadays it is performed by rappers and ecelebs to show off wealth, the commoner cannot afford it
  9. F

    Vent Forums dead

    i am serious I have a job offer that is pending
  10. F

    Vent Forums dead

    alright. I have to save the day probably. Here's my idea. You both can come in my discord, we discuss business there.
  11. F

    Moneymaking Thinking about opening an ice cream manufacturing factory and brand

    Our current leader is not advertising. This is a bad sign, means this community will never grow and it's already over. I certainly will not do advertisement, because when you have uncaring leadership it's already over, the incompetent leadership screws up everything good you can do for them...
  12. F

    Real Matters Showering is a scam

    when i tell people I dont shave my balls I lose alot of respect and status doesnt matter how good I look if I dont shave my balls
  13. F

    Latin How do you niggas find Lima attractive

    shes very attractive but I never fapped her.
  14. F

    Moneymaking Thinking about opening an ice cream manufacturing factory and brand

    I know two normies that did it, became millionaires, but they focused on branding alot, they did an ice cream "made by hand", even if it's probably a fraud, it's also expensive
  15. F

    News Read this thread if you were made an account

    I'm on discord with name of "analandro"