Recent content by BugManBill

  1. BugManBill

    Moneymaking can you snort phenibut powder?

    Idk, I snort adderall too lol
  2. BugManBill

    Moneymaking can you snort phenibut powder?

    You can buy phenibut powder on their site
  3. BugManBill

    Moneymaking can you snort phenibut powder?

    just curious what's the best way to take it also is the stuff legit?
  4. BugManBill

    this shit heat right here

  5. BugManBill

    Real Matters Fuaaaark I want this hoodie
  6. BugManBill

    I got mogged!

    1 Meeks pill
  7. BugManBill

    Latin How this beaner pulling

    Idk bro My Mexican friend is fat and still pulls Mexican bitches It’s like game literally is more important to them than looks Some 16 year old in the McDonald’s drive thru asked for his number and sent him videos lol
  8. BugManBill

    Latin I might be going back to Brazil soon

    Maybe I’ll see you down there when I schedule my bimax 🙂
  9. BugManBill

    stoned af

  10. BugManBill

    stoned af

    AMA I will tell the truth even if its my address and ssn and banking info (y) :)
  11. BugManBill

    God saved me from that crash

    believe me, god is not on your side faggot
  12. BugManBill

    I have the fucking munchies

    0% black