Woah: Tank Gets Blown Up By A TOW Missile!

  • Thread starter WorldStarHipHop Media Player
  • Start date

WorldStarHipHop Media Player

This is a TOW missile (or a Tube launched optically tracked Wired guided missile). The tube is secured on a tripod and the shooter is either standing or sitting looking through a scope like what is in this video. The missile is launched and a wire is attached and unravels as it travels. The shooter can then guide the missile mid-flight until it reaches its target. These are fairly cheap and are plentiful in the Middle East.

The missile hits on the left of the turret most likely where the ammo rack is located in the tank causing the explosion and whatââ¬â¢s called a ââ¬Åcook offââ¬Â. The rounds inside explode making the turret pop off the tank. Likely a quick death for those inside. Posted By Ghost

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