News With gun rights topping national headlines, enthusiasts will be gathering in Miramar this weekend


Apr 18, 2022
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With all the talk in Washington, D.C. about guns this week, enthusiasts will be heading to Miramar this weekend.

The Miramar Gun Show will be at the Miramar National Guard Armory on Saturday and Sunday.

The armory is located at 5001 Flamingo Road.

Saturday hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. General admission tickets are $10 a day.

The show is offering concealed weapons classes on Saturday and Sunday. Those classes will run you $49.

On Thursday, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill to address gun violence. It includes millions of dollars for mental health, school safety, crisis intervention programs and incentives for states to include juvenile records in criminal background check systems.

Earlier in the day, the Supreme Court issued a ruling striking down a type of gun carry restriction in New York state. The ruling will make gun regulations across the country vulnerable to new legal challenges.

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