WATCH: Video from wedding where bride arrested for lacing guests’ food with drugs released


Apr 18, 2022
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Deputies have released body camera video from a February wedding in Longwood where multiple guests complained of feeling ill, believing they had ingested marijuana-laced food, ultimately resulting in the arrests of the bride and the caterer.

The video opens with someone being loaded onto an ambulance. The deputy then tells the catering employees not to put anything away.

The video then jumps to a deputy speaking with guests who say they were “affected” by whatever was in the food. The guests then direct the deputy to the bride and groom.

“Apparently, supposedly, your food had cannabis inside of it when your guests ate it. Did you authorize that?” the deputy said in the video.

“I have no idea,” the groom responded.

Deputies have released body camera video from a February wedding in Florida near Orlando where multiple guests complained of feeling ill, believing they had ingested marijuana-laced food, ultimately resulting in the arrests of the bride and the caterer.

“I just need a yes or no, man. Did you guys authorize it for the catering company... to have cannabis placed in the food? Edibles, whatever the case may be,” the deputy said.

“No, sir,” the groom responded.

Danya Glenny, left, and her caterer, Jocelyn Bryant, were arrested after guests started feeling ill at Glenny's wedding.
In the video, the deputy continues to question the groom about whether there was marijuana in the food and who may have put it there. The groom said in the video that some of the guests do use marijuana and may have brought their own edibles, but said he was unaware of anything in the food.

The video ends with the deputy reporting more people who said they are “not feeling good” as other deputies are bagging up leftover food as evidence.

According to an arrest affidavit, lasagna and a piece of bread collected at the scene tested positive for THC.

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