Music The Game Called Out By Battle Rapper For "Desperately Begging For Eminem's Attention"


Feb 26, 2022
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With an album that comes in at 30 songs, there is much to dissect in The Game's Drillmatic. However, his 10-minute diss track to Eminem—"The Black Slim Shady—has come under fire as people have chastised Game over targeting the Detroit hitmaker. The Game has been poking the bear for some time by commenting on Em's daughter's photo and mentioning him in interviews, and he decided to attempt to kick off some diss track beef by dropping "The Black Slim Shady."

Yet, the public has been divided with some praising Game's skills on the track and others accusing him of being obsessed with Eminem. Battle rapper Pat Stay seemingly falls into the latter category and he called The Game out on Instagram.

Stay shared a photo of the Los Angeles rapper in bed looking through his phone and wrote a lengthy message that claimed Game blocked him.

"I gotta say, as a fan losangelesconfidential its been hard to watch you desperately begging for @eminem attention trying to battle him," he wrote. "Trust me, I respect the hunger, but once you start that whole 'he only blew up because he's white' type sh*t it comes off more haterish than competitive."

Stay added that it seemed as if Game was following the lead of other "famous rappers" who have entered the Battle Rap lane "to solidify their positions as lyricists and real MC's." He added, "And that seems to be what you've been trying to prove. So bring it. I'm that white boy you need to see first."

According to Stay, Game has not only blocked him but he's blocking anyone messaging him about the challenge. He told everyone to "stop tagging him" because isn't trying to pester The Game about it.

Check out Pat Stay's post below. Also, make sure to read our article: “The Black Slim Shady”: Breaking Down The Game’s Eminem Diss Track.

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