The Deceptive Income of Physicians


Class Conscious
Jan 5, 2022
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The median gross income among high school teachers, including the value of benefits but excluding their pension, is about $50,000 per year.9 The median gross income among internal medicine physicians is $205,441,8 accounting for time spent training, student loan debt, years worked, hours worked per year and disproportionate income taxes — the adjusted net hourly wage of an internist is $34.46 per hour, while that of a high school teacher is $30.47 per hour. Though the gross income of a fully trained internal medicine physician is four times that of a high school teacher, the adjusted net hourly wage of an internal medicine physician is only 1.13 times that of a high school teacher. Most people would argue that high school teachers are not paid enough, yet for some reason most people would also argue that physicians are paid too much.

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