The 3 R’s and Historical Materialism


Class Conscious
Jan 5, 2022
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A year prior I proposed a theory of the 3 laws necessary for goal achievement.

Upon further analysis these 3 laws can be function from a Marxist perspective.

  • The right amount of glucose/energy (to produce work that sustains life in it’s bare minimum)
  • The right tools (to produce work that sustains life with a surplus)
  • The right questions (to produce tools that further increasingly produce a larger surplus)
So, as Marx stated a hundred years ago, the inequality produced by capitalism is simply the people’s lack of access to tools but I shall further add that the lack of access to those tools keeps people’s energy/will down but also considering the sheer awfulness of the food supply I suggest that people are degenerating even faster than ever.

If we view life and it’s outputs (intelligence, relationships) as simply cellular complexity produced by high levels of ATP, glucose, CO2, and death/degeneration as the inverse paradigm, then if the diet and the lack of tools prevents a higher production of ATP/CO2, and the other life sustaining compounds, the fact is that the worker is deteriorating and will deteriorate at a higher rate as time passes and exploitation increases.

"The less time the society requires to produce wheat, cattle etc., the more time it wins for other production, material or mental. Just as in the case of an individual, the multiplicity of its development, its enjoyment and its activity depends on economization of time. Economy of time, to this all economy ultimately reduces itself. Society likewise has to distribute its time in a purposeful way, in order to achieve a production adequate to its overall needs; just as the individual has to distribute his time correctly in order to achieve knowledge in proper proportions or in order to satisfy the various demands on his activity."

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