News Roe v. Wade overturned: This is what local, Texas and national leaders are saying about the decision


Apr 15, 2022
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Friday’s outcome of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was received with mixed reactions, from locally to nationally.

According to the Associated Press, the Supreme Court has ended constitutional protections for abortion that had been in place nearly 50 years in a decision by its conservative majority to overturn Roe v. Wade. Friday’s outcome is expected to lead to abortion bans in roughly half the states.

Local and national leaders have spoken out about the decision. Read their statements below.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade!!!

Life is a God-given gift, and Texas will ALWAYS take a stand to protect it.

A very historic day and a GIANT win for life!

— Dan Patrick (@DanPatrick) June 24, 2022

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee:

“For years, Texans have faced numerous, unnecessary barriers to seeking an abortion, and for months have dealt with a near total ban. Now, it will be nearly impossible to obtain a safe and legal abortion in this state. The Supreme Court’s conservative bloc has set our country back fifty years, letting states like Texas take away women’s ability to make decisions about their own health care.

Texas’s existing laws have already led to increases in women seeking abortions in other states, showing us that these bans do not stop abortions but only make it harder for women without access to transportation and the ability to travel out of state. This decision will now let states pass even more draconian laws criminalizing abortion. But these laws will not end abortion—they will only make it more dangerous.

Every single woman in this country should have the right to make health care decisions with their doctor. I remain committed to supporting the full scope of reproductive rights and will continue to advocate for the fundamental rights of the people of Harris County.”

Harris County District Attorney’s Office

“The criminalization of reproductive health will cause great harm to women in America; prosecutors and police have no role in matters between doctors and patients. As in every case, we will evaluate the facts and make decisions on a case-by-case basis.”

Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi:

“Today is a historic day which Republicans and Pro-Life advocates have waited for a generation. It will be remembered in history as the day the United States of America reversed one of the most unjust, damaging, and plainly incorrect judicial decisions in its history. Thankfully, the left’s egregious attack on our government institutions failed, and justice was done. We also are grateful for the work of Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, Sen. Angela Paxton, and the Republican and Democrat legislators who passed the law which will now protect the lives of all unborn children in Texas.

“The Republican Party of Texas continues to support facilitating adoptions and providing assistance to mothers in need both during and after their pregnancies. During the 87th Texas, Legislature funding was greatly increased for the Alternatives to Abortion program, which received a total of $100 million for the biennium. This program gives mothers access to
needed resources during and after their pregnancy. The program assists new mothers and their children by providing items like diapers, formula, car seats, and classes on pregnancy and parenting. Additionally, private nonprofit crisis pregnancy centers like Birth Choice in Dallas, the Trotter House in Austin, and Houston Pregnancy Help Center in Houston provide services to assist mothers both during and after pregnancy.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton:

“Roe v. Wade and its successor case Planned Parenthood v. Casey have absolutely no basis in the U.S. Constitution. Nevertheless, for half a century, Americans have had to live under these illegitimate, illegal, and unconstitutional dictates of a partisan, willful Supreme Court. No more. Today, the question of abortion returns to the states. And in Texas, that question has already been answered: abortion is illegal here. I look forward to defending the pro-life laws of Texas and the lives of all unborn children moving forward. Further, we cannot forget the extraordinary violence that Roe and Casey unleashed on our nation. Because of those decisions, almost 70 million babies have been killed in the womb. And so, today at noon, I am closing all my offices as a memorial to these babies. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of them. Never again should something like this happen in America.”

Harris County Democratic Party

“SCOTUS returned the verdict we expected, but that doesn’t make it less devastating. We are angry on behalf of everyone who has the reproductive capacity to become pregnant – because access to safe and legal abortion services is no longer guaranteed. And we know because of this decision made by SCOTUS, people will die. The news today from SCOTUS is a crushing blow to human rights. This decision will enable narrow-minded Republican lawmakers to trigger discriminatory and draconian abortion laws in states across our nation. How should we respond when those tasked with protecting our best interests — those entrusted with protecting basic human rights — fail to live up to our expectations, our requirements for the job? The Harris County Democratic Party calls on anyone who cares about human rights to immediately get involved in the fight against the Republican lawmakers who are hell-bent on taking away what defines us as a nation. Volunteer with organizations like ours, as well as reproductive rights organizations. Commit to voting for Democrats who will defend your rights instead of taking them away. Texas is set to fully ban abortion in 30 days, and a recent University of California study found that more than a quarter of the abortion facilities across our nation will close. Yet, we all know people will continue to seek abortions, and as state laws become more restrictive, the risk of complications from unsafe abortions drastically increases. We also know Black and Latino Texans will be disproportionately impacted by banning abortion. Abortion is an essential aspect of health care, and we will continue to fight for this human right. Access to legal and safe abortion care should be guaranteed for all who need it.”


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