**REPOST** SMH: 73-Year-Old Man Gets Physically Attacked By Arizona Senate Candidate For Wearing A BLM Shirt At A Republican Event!


Feb 26, 2022
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ArizonaàRepublicanàSenateàcandidate, Blake Masters, reportedly lunged toward aàDemocraticàactivist wearing aàBlack Lives MatteràT-shirt and ââ¬ÅJailàTrumpââ¬Â hat at a GOP mixer, according to a video circulating online. Peter Jackson, 73, attended the event wearing a T-shirt which read ââ¬ÅBlack Lives Matter More Than White Feelings; Check Your Privilegeââ¬Â and a pin button that said ââ¬Åfully vaxxedââ¬Â.

It quickly escalated with a woman hitting him in the face, showed the video. At this point, Mr Masters, 35, was seen lunging toward the Democrat and grabbing him before he fell to his knees. The activist was then thrown out of the room and on to the ground outside. A woman could be heard yelling ââ¬Ålock the door!ââ¬Â

While Mr Masters confirmed he ââ¬Åintervenedââ¬Â, he said he did so because the activist allegedly assaulted a woman. The clip ââ¬â along with a nine-minute version of the incident Mr Jackson recorded on his GoPro ââ¬â did not appear to show him assaulting anyone. Mr Jackson said he went to the event because he ââ¬Åwas just interested..and in a way, I wanted to disrupt it a little bit with what I thought is the truth ââ¬â that Trump should be jailed, Black lives do matter,ââ¬Â he told Green Valley News. Mr Jackson has two citations of trespassing and simple assault and has been directed to appear before court on 23 June.
Posted by CZ

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