Reginae Carter Talks Hosting "Social Society" & Wanting To Star In A 50 Cent Production


Feb 26, 2022
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Her presence on the small screen has been felt on multiple networks and now, Reginae Carter is lending her talents to ALLBLK. Carter has been immersed in the entertainment industry since birth as the daughter of Lil Wayne and Toya Johnson, so it doesn't come as a surprise that she, too, wants to take her place in the spotlight. The 23-year-old has starred in shows like Growing Up Hip Hop and T.I. & Tiny: Family Reunion, but she's moving away from reality television and shining as a co-host of Social Society along with Angela Simmons, Kendall Kyndall, and Kendra G.

Image provided by the publicist

This hosting gig is just another business move Carter has added to her growing list of deals. From fashion to acting in films to Social Society, Reginae has her hands in all aspects of entertainment, but finding that balance can become stressful. However, Carter told us recently that she's observed how her successful parents have taken "on so many hats in life," so she has a bit of insight that many others aren't privy to. That behind-the-scenes knowledge also benefits her new role as a talk show host because, as she told us, she knows firsthand what it feels like.

Read more from our interview with Reginae Carter for details about Social Society, how she juggles her busy schedule, and why she's ready to interview 50 Cent to ask him when she'll be the next big star in one of his award-winning series.

This interview has been slightly edited for clarity.

HNHH: Hi Reginae! Thank you so much for sitting down with us. Let's jump right into your new show, Social Society. For anybody that has not tuned in yet, what is it? What can they expect from you and your co-hosts and your guests?

Reginae Carter:
Okay, so, Social Society is a variety talk show. We touch on different things, the latest events, the politics, we have guest stars, and we also have fun games that we play to kind of lighten up the mood so you don’t have to come and just get interviewed. Let’s just have fun and lighten up the mood and get to know each other; it’s like an all-around family cast. It’s on ALLBLK. It drops every Monday. You can subscribe to ALLBLK, $5.99 a month or $59.99 a year. Or you can watch it on Amazon Prime or any other streaming service. It’s dope. I like doing it because as you guys know, first of all since this video started, I love to talk [laughs]. I love to just express how I feel and growing up, everyone has kind of seen me clap back on this site or on that site, and now it’s like this is my job to speak on things so people can kind of see me from that different light and really know the real me.

Yeah, it seems like as someone who has basically just grown up in the industry of two successful, famous parents, you have to defend yourself and who you are, but here, I think people are seeing more of you. What I think is interesting is that because you have grown up in the industry, you’re now sitting and chatting with people you know, but as an interviewer. Do you feel like it gives you kind of this edge of, 'Yeah, I know you, I went to dinner with your wife,' or 'You’ve seen me, you babysat me when I was little'? Is there a sense that this is more comfortable because you know who these people are?

Yeah, and I feel like it also makes the other person on the other side of the couch more comfortable because I’ve been on that side of the couch and I know how it feels, and how people feel like they want to feel comfortable. They want to, first of all, they want to support whatever they’re there to support, and they want their fans to know them. I know how it feels so I feel like I can relate to them. That’s why they feel comfortable, they’ll feel comfortable coming to Social Society because it’s like a family. We just want to just get all the tea out [laughs]. We will touch on what’s out there, but it’s like, we will have respect for what you don’t want to speak on, what you want to speak on, and things like that.

Well, from your perspective, with all of the powerful personalities on the show, all very fiery, what do you think everybody brings that helps round out this cast, including yourself?

Okay so...Kendra G. First of all, she’s gonna give you, what’s the word? Un…?


Unfiltered! Unfiltered version of whatever. She’s gonna give you whatever we’re thinking, she’s gonna say it. No, whatever. That’s what it is. We always need that one in the group that’s gonna be like that. We all kind of give that, but Kendra, she gon’ say what she feels. Kendall Kyndall, you know he’s everybody’s best friend. He gives that welcoming feel. That good old Southern feel. Everybody’s family. He’s gon’ give the jokes, he’s gon’ get the tea as well. That’s what we always need that lil’ one. Fun guy. He’s very fun. We have a great time on set.

Angela. Angela will give you the one, two when you need it. You know that one friend that’s like, 'Alright, now.' She gon’ comment on that one thing and be like, 'Okay, now.' [Smiles] You know? Not too much, but she gon’ say what she needed [to say]. We always need that one calm and collected to say, 'This is what I do, that is what I do, this is what I have to say and we get it.' Then, Me. Of course me [laughs]. I’m the youngest one. I’m gonna bring the pizzazz, the young, the fun, the this, the that. I’m very live. I’m very fun. I bring all of that. I bring everything I just named. All in one. That’s a great cast.

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

I know that last time when we spoke you were balancing fashion and your acting career and also reality TV, how are you able to fit all that in, and also, what can we expect from all of the other entertainment or business elements that you have in addition to Social Society?

Well, you know, I’ve watched both of my parents take on so many hats in life and I’m just like, if they can do it, I can. So, with everything I feel like it’s no limit to what you can and cannot do and I just keep on, I want to conquer it all. With acting, fashion. I just dropped a fashion line. Fitness line. It’s called I FIT IN. Shop I FIT IN if you want to go get it [laughs]. It’s such a problem to fit in and I brought a line that caters to all. It doesn’t matter what shape or size, what situation you’re in. I just want you to look good and feel good and be uplifting while you do it. I FIT IN is the gift that gives back, and it’s also just such a deeper meaning with this world today and how everyone wants to fit in and feel like it’s a certain way you gotta look. Or a certain way you gotta talk or a certain way you have to do things so yeah...and also acting. I’m focusing on that. I just shot my first lead role movie last year called Boxed In, which should be coming out soon. And another short tape I was a lead role in that, too. So, I have a lot of big things coming. I’m super blessed.

"Well, you know, I’ve watched both of my parents take on so many hats in life and I’m just like, if they can do it, I can."

And with Social Society, who would you love to get to come in as a guest? Who would it be and what would the cornerstone of that conversation be?

You know what, I didn’t say this last time but I’ma say this. I want to have 50 Cent on there and I want to say, '50, which show you want to put me on? I mean I got versatility. What you want? I could give you all types.' [laughs]

You’re just gonna play the audition reel?

[Laughs] I'd do whatever I had to do!

From your mouth to God’s ears to the 50 Cents desk. One hundred percent. Well, this is my last question. I asked this the last time we did an interview, too, if you were to remove the veil of celebrity...there’s no Reginae Carter the celebrity and the expectations people have of you. Because they see you as the Clapback Queen, or they see you as the host of Social Society, or they see you as Lil Wayne and Toya’s daughter...whatever those expectations are. What is something about the heart of you as a person that you wish people could see if they would stop just expecting you to be something else?

Okay, so...I’m such a sweet person. Okay. I am so soft. Like, that’s probably why I seem so hard, because I’m so soft so I gotta protect my heart. Because I’ve been hurt so many times by people that I thought were my friends. I thought that loved me. It’s been a rollercoaster with that so I keep my guard up but I really am very genuine. I’m a genuine person. I love to love. I love to have fun, I love to be around people who love to do the same things, and I love to support people. And all I want is for all Black women to win and to love each other and uplift each other because we will be and get so much bigger in life if we all come together and work together and conquer all.

That’s so good. I agree. Thank you so much for your time. [Laughs] And I can’t wait to, hopefully, see you in one of 50 Cent’s shows.

[Laughs] Yeah!

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