Every time I log on to that forum, Users keep talking about the same things such as Status, Nt, Ethnic and black smv. Goes to show how much us Ethnics and blacks are a joke, all they live for is pussy, pray and hope they can get a white girl. All that Nt,Status,Hard, and softmaxxing just for some nasty beckie. It's not worth imo
Some users will Ascend gigahard but most will starve. I see users on .org use Incel-Chad Transformations then use it as motivation but those are the 2 percent of the forum's Users. Most users will not become moggers even if they hardmaxx, Genetics are genetics. It's the same with Bodybuilding, I've notice in Transformation videos, they get over millions of views but if you go to a gym(Irl) it's gigarare find a chris bumstead,Frank Zane,Mike O'Hearn, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc(Genetics). Not everyone is going to make
@KJ Anything to add