News On both sides of debate: Miami’s archbishop, Planned Parenthood rep talk Supreme Court abortion decision


Apr 18, 2022
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People on both sides of the abortion debate in South Florida had opinions on the Supreme Court’s landmark decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday, which could essentially pave the way for individual states to ban the procedure.

Jessica Merino of the Florida Planned Parenthood PAC speaking outside of Miami’s Planned Parenthood offices talked about the decision linking it directly to the immigrant experience.

“I can’t help but think of my grandmother today who told us immigrating from Cuba meant that we were free. My mother would encourage me to reach for the stars because I could be and do anything I wanted to be in this land. The Supreme Court has stripped away another part of my freedom that my family came here for and so many families like me come here for.”

Some pro choice advocates speak about the immigrant experience and how the Supreme Court's decision has stripped away the freedom they sought in America.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski of the Miami Catholic Archdiocese believes the ruling is a good first step in bringing the abortion battle to the states and opening up the debate at the local level.

“One of the reasons why our society in the U.S. is so polarized today is precisely because of Roe v. Wade that was made in 1973,” he said. “It’s never been settled law. It’s been unsettling to the American people since the time it was wrongly decided . . The divisions that we have today can be traced back to that situation when the judges decided to act as a legislature and usurp the authority of the people . . . Impose the decision on the people without the people being involved in making (the decision).”

Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava released a statement soon after the SCOTUS decision was announced.

“What we heard from our nation’s highest court today is not a reflection of the America we know and love. My heart breaks for the women and girls of our nation, and the generations before us who sacrificed everything so we could hold the fundamental right to make safe, informed health decisions about our own bodies. This decision to overturn Roe v Wade is more than a reversal of 50 years of reproductive rights. It’s a devastating assault on the personal, economic, and medical freedom of women in America and will endanger the health of too many, particularly the most vulnerable among us. This is a cruel step backward for our nation and its impact will be felt for generations to come. To women and girls everywhere: Please know this is not the end – we will continue the long fight for the human rights we deserve with more urgency now than ever before. We did it once, we’ll do it again.”

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