Neighbor From Hell: Person Constantly Gets Harassed By Their Racist Mentally Unhinged Neighbor!


Feb 26, 2022
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From the original instagram post:

"For 3 months she's been giving multiple death threats, yelling racial slurs, drawing swastikas, throwing glass, banging doors and windows, using a water hose to spray into people's apartments, cussing out everyone on the block, threatening lives with a baseball bat and whatever else she wants because the LBPD and International Property Management (6******, Long Beach, CA) haven't done SH*T. I'm done doing the "proper channels." I'm posting this to expose her and to show that if I end up in jail, y'all clearly see why. 24hrs a day she's on 10. It has affected my mental and physical health because I get no rest at night. Including the entire complex and other neighbors on the street.

Last night after spraying water in my apt at 3am and i knocked on her door, she threatned me with a spear, bit my wrist and spit at me. But if i retaliated, I'd be dead or in jail. Cops didnt arrest her even though i was on the phone with 911 during this. The operator said, "sounds like you're harrasing her." Being black in America...

They try to say it's mental health but that's a lazy f*cking excuse for the racist piece of sh*t white people who continue to terrorize this country. We get killed for less. This is how these stories start. No one takes it serious because nothing "serious" has happened. Death threats haven't gotten her arrested and racial slurs and wanting to hang people "aren't enough for a hate crime" per LBPD. This b*tch also owns a gun that the police know about and we have to walk on edge daily hoping she doesn't decide to use it. Her apartment is the first in our small complex and we all have to pass her daily. People in the complex are scared and don't allow the kids to come over anymore.

I'm posting this because we don't know what else to do. Restraining orders have been filed, complaints, 911 calls multiple times a day and NOTHING."
Posted By Ghost

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