tomorrow is june and im sitting alone in my room with the ac on because my thyroids are probably fucked which i wouldn't know because my doctor rejected my proposal for bloodwork, fantasizing over a text convo that stopped talking a month ago, brain fog from food, and im probably going to dark souls 4 vidya cope later to stimulate myself. everybody else has a job. the friend whose house im crashing in is nailing his girlfriend at her house because he doesn't want to bother me. well hes out. maybe i should give the ol boy a tug its been a while.
is there any cheap supplement i can buy for short term just to experiment if it has any change? i dont have the energy to find another doctor its gonna be at least 2 month until i do tbh
is there any cheap supplement i can buy for short term just to experiment if it has any change? i dont have the energy to find another doctor its gonna be at least 2 month until i do tbh