Horrible: Cops Break Into The Wrong House & Kill A Teen Sleeping On His Couch!

  • Thread starter WorldStarHipHop Media Player
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WorldStarHipHop Media Player

He was not the person police were looking for, and thanks to their brutal incompetence, two cops are recovering from bullet wounds, and a black teenager is dead. On that early morning raid, police were looking for 23-year-old Wattsel Rembert, who was not staying at that apartment. Rembert is accused of participating in a shooting at a casino back in November. Instead of simply arresting Rembert in a normal manner, police chose to dangerously show up in the middle of the night, bash in doors, throw flash bang grenades, and put everyone involved in danger. After the shooting, police held a press conference, during which they demonized Williams, rattling off all the charges Williams would have faced for defending himself in his own home against armed intruders who threw a grenade through his window as he slept. The idea that a person ââ¬â who had committed no crime ââ¬â is supposed to wake up calmly as windows are breaking and grenades are exploding in their home is utterly asinine and speaks to the failed and ineffective nature of no-knock raids. Exposing the entirely unnecessary nature of the raid is the fact that the actual person police were looking for, Wattsel Rembert, turned himself into police without incident. Posted By PSmooth

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