Few Showers this weekend


Apr 15, 2022
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Warm Humid Saturday:

We are starting the day with some mist and warmer temperatures. There will be a few showers pop up showers throughout the day with temperatures in the mid 80s this afternoon.

Saturday Showers:

The chance of rain is small but there is enough moisture in the atmosphere to create a short lived shower. It will also be really warm! Temperatures climb to near 90 degrees.

Easter Sunday:

If you are headed to a Easter sunrise service, temperatures will be in the lower 70s at 6:53. Sunday afternoon temperatures climb to near 90 degrees with a 20% chance of rain.

10-Day Forecast:

Our weekend won’t be a wash out, but there will be some rain. A cool front moves through SE Texas Sunday night into Monday bringing a slight cool down early next week.

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