Family files lawsuit against Needville ISD after student says he was denied graduation due to length of his hair


Apr 15, 2022
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A Needville ISD student said he missed prom, cannot participate in extracurricular activities and won’t be able to graduate because of the length of his hair.

Treyvion Gray is now fighting back with a federal lawsuit against the district.

The goal of the lawsuit is to reinstate the teen back in school without cutting his locs and allow him to graduate on May 20.

The 18-year-old said the past few months have been depressing, and the family is calling on the district to change its dress code policy.

Gray is a senior and has been growing his hair since he was a sophomore.

“It’s part of me. It’s who I am. My hair is a part of me, my heritage and my culture,” Gray said.

According to the student dress code at Needville ISD, “boy’s hair shall not cover any parts of the ears, extend beyond the eyebrow, or extend over the top of a standard collar in the back when combed down.”

“I feel very targeted and discriminated against,” Gray said.

Starting in March, Gray has been sent to in-school suspension (ISS), and maxed out the number of days he could be suspended. He was placed in a disciplinary alternative education program also known as DAEP.

“It’s been depressing. I’m in there by myself. Just me and a computer,” he said.

Gray’s mother Brahna Williams said they’ve had problems with the district before, and now they’re fighting to watch him graduate.

“Instead of his senior year being about celebration and us being happy, we are literally living a nightmare right now. It’s hard for me to watch my son be discriminated against and to be mistreated because of his hair and the color of his skin,” Williams said.

Attorney Melissa Moore has already filed a lawsuit and a temporary restraining order.

“We feel like his education is at peril. He’s not receiving the same education as his fellow students, and at this point, he’s in danger of not meeting the requirements to graduate all because of his hair,” Moore said.

KPRC2 reached out to Needville ISD for comment but has not heard back.

A court hearing is set for Tuesday, May 3. KPRC 2 will keep you posted on the outcome.

Needville ISD student says he cannot graduate because of hair length; family files federal lawsuit, temporary restraining order against district

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