Don’t be alarmed: Houston Fire Department to conduct prescribed fire at Sylvan Rodriguez Park


Apr 15, 2022
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If you see smoke near Sylvan Rodriquez Park Monday, don’t be alarmed.

The Houston Fire Department, in collaboration with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Houston Parks & Recreation Department, will be conducting a prescribed fire at the park located at 1201 Clear Lake City Blvd.

The prescribed fire is scheduled to happen between April 25-29, weather permitting. A burn briefing will begin at 9 a.m. and then the actual burning will begin at 10 a.m.

HFD’s wildland firefighters will be performing and overseeing the entire prescribed fire to establish continuity and the swift mitigation of potential life safety hazards.

HFD will also be coordinating with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Houston Health Department to establish clean air (atmospheric) monitoring during the prescribed fire.

“This proactive approach is the most practical way to reduce dangerous accumulation of combustible fuels and protect our community by reducing the risk of unwanted wildfires in the future,” HFD Chief Samuel Peña said. “Our wildland firefighting group and emergency operations personnel, in collaboration with our safety partners, will ensure a professional controlled burn operation.”

HFD will be canvassing adjacent neighborhoods with literature to ensure citizens are aware and well-informed of the fire. During the burn period, people may see smoke in their area or on nearby roads. HFD is asking those near the burn site to refrain from calling 911.

For information on Wildland Fire Management and the prescribed fire, click here.

What is a prescribed fire?

A prescribed fire aids in reducing potential fire threats due to years of vegetation accumulation. According to HFD, years of vegetation accumulation can present a significant wildland fire threat to the surrounding residential community.

The reduction of fuel load through a prescribed fire is the appropriate safety step in protecting surrounding residents and their homes, HFD said.

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