Music Dominic Fike Took A Ton Of Mushrooms Before A "Euphoria" Audition


Feb 26, 2022
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Dominic Fike has become a fan-favorites of season two of Euphoria, one of HBO's most popular series right now. Fike's stardom has come with fans' obsession with his personal life. He recently made headlines when he announced that he and his co-star Hunter Schafer are dating, affirming rumors that have been swirling for a while now.

Now, Fike has revealed a new anecdote for fans to pore over. It turns out Fike could have been in Euphoria's first season, but he blew an audition after taking a bunch of magic mushrooms beforehand.

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

According to Fike, who was speaking with GQ, he had made it through multiple rounds of auditions and was asked to do a "final chemistry read" with Barbie Ferreira, another actor on the show. Fike decided it was a good idea to do some method acting for the read through. He reasoned that because the show had lots of drug use, it would benefit his performance to use drugs.

"I started peaking right when me and Barbie were reading," said Fike. Unfortunately for him, the mushrooms did not enhance his performance. Rather, he simply befuddled the creator of the show, Sam Levinson, whom he hallucinated was wearing a dress. "I looked at him and I was like, 'Are you wearing a dress right now?'" Recalled Fike. "It was crazy. I started making fun of everybody in the room."

The hallucinations made it difficult to even read his lines, as the letters on the page in front of him began to float around. Predictably, this strategy did not make for a good audition. According to Fike, his agents called him after the read and were not happy. "They were like, 'What. The. F**k?'" Fike said. Levinson must have seen some potential in Fike, though, since he was able to return for the second season.


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