News Democrats join Fort Lauderdale protest after Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade


Apr 18, 2022
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Democratic Sen. Lauren Book and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz joined a group to protest the Supreme Court’s decision to do away with women’s constitutional protections for abortion on Friday in Fort Lauderdale.

Book and Wasserman Schultz joined the impassioned pro-choice supporters at Esplande Park, at 400 SW 2nd St. Most were outraged about the ruling after nearly a half-century under Roe v. Wade.

“We will not go back,” Book said before the crowd cheered.

“This decision rolls back the freedom that we fought so hard for!”

Dozens held up signs that included messages such as “My Body, My Choice” and “Keep Abortion Safe and Legal.”

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz joined a protest on Friday in Fort Lauderdale.
Wasserman Shultz, a breast cancer survivor, is an advocate for women’s health.

“You’ve got a Republican-appointed majority Supreme Court that tore women’s rights away and this is only the beginning,” Wasserman Schultz said

Book said women can still get legal and safe abortions in Florida in June. Starting July 1, there will be a 15-week ban in place.

“The sponsors of the bill talked about wanting to make it more restrictive,” Book said about the state’s 15-week ban.

Wasserman Shultz said placing limits on abortions puts women’s lives in jeopardy.

“It is unacceptable, but we can change it,” Wasserman Schultz said about the opportunity that pro-choice voters have to elect candidates who support reproductive freedom.

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