California Woman Shot Dead After Stabbing Cop... Serving An Eviction Notice! (Bodycam Footage)


Feb 26, 2022
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"Police found out that Li had also threatened her complexââ¬â¢s managers and a maintenance worker with a knife a day before, according to the news outlet. In the pandemonium, several cops are seen stumbling to the floor before shots are fired and Li falls face down as one officer is heard shouting that he was stabbed. The wounded cop was treated at UC San Diego Medical Center and released later in the day, the Tribune reported. The four officers have been placed on desk duty pending an investigation into the deadly shooting, according to KPBS, which noted that such temporary reassignments after incidents of lethal police force are routine. Neither sheriffââ¬â¢s officials nor the San Diego police lieutenant whose unit is investigating the shooting responded to questions from the Tribune." - NYPost
Posted by Thrillz

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