Blac Chyna says she knows of no harm done her by Kardashians


Apr 18, 2022
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Former reality television star Blac Chyna testified Thursday that she had no personal knowledge of anything Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Khloé Kardashian or Kylie Jenner had said or done to harm her reputation.

Chyna was on the witness stand for the third day in a Los Angeles courtroom at the trial for her $100 million lawsuit against the four Kardashian women that alleges they forced the cancellation of her show “Rob & Chyna” and damaged her celebrity status.

As he cross-examined Chyna, Kardashian lawyer Michael G. Rhodes forcefully asked, “Am I correct, you are not aware of anything that Khloe Kardashian did or said, verbally or in writing, that harmed your career?"

“Correct,” she answered. “Not to my face.”

The same is true of Kim Kardashian, correct?

“Correct, everything to my face was all good,” Chyna said.

“As you sit here in this courtroom today, in front of this jury," Rhodes said, his voice rising angrily, “are you aware of anything that any of them has done to harm your reputation?”

“No,” she replied, “but I know now what they did behind my back.”

All the Kardashian defendants except Kylie Jenner were in court Wednesday. All four have been present every other day of the trial.

Chyna, 33, whose legal name is Angela White, struggled far more on the stand than she did a day earlier, when she remained composed as she discussed a night of celebration in 2016 that turned into a bitter fight with her ex-fiancé and father of her daughter Rob Kardashian that led to the end of their relationship and reality series.

She repeatedly said she didn't understand when Rhodes showed her a document that appeared to have her signature on it agreeing to receive a $100,000 “kill fee” for the cancellation of “Rob & Chyna,” at a time when she previously said she still believed the show would get a second season.

“I wouldn't have signed this,” she said. “We had been green-lit.”

Rhodes also read a long list of negative headlines to Chyna about her getting into public fights and having run-ins with authorities, and asked her if the Kardashians had anything to do with those stories appearing.

She attempted to refute some and to explain others.

“They always report stuff that’s false,” she said after one report of a dispute with a neighbor who called the police.

But Rhodes repeatedly responded, “I’m not saying it happened or it didn’t, I’m just saying there was a public media report. Did you have any reason to believe any of my clients had anything to do with these reports?”

Chyna responded “no” each time.

At one point, she volunteered that Kris Jenner had taught her a lesson on the topic.

“Actually Miss Kris told me when you have celebrity kids people will randomly call the cops on you, and CPS might come,” Rhodes said.

The lawyer seized on the moment and asked her twice to tell the jury what “CPS” meant.

“Child protective services,” she said, repeating it more loudly the second time.

“Did they ever come to your house?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said.

Chyna is set to return to the stand Thursday afternoon. She is first to testify in a case in which all four of the defendants are also expected to take the stand.

The lawsuit, filed in 2017, alleges defamation and interference with contracts.

Two other defendants, Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner, were dismissed from the case during the run-up to trial.


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