News Ask Amy: Finding the best care facility for your loved ones, how to check past issues


Apr 15, 2022
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We know caring for your loved ones is a big concern for many families. We do get questions regularly about this. You can find out important information about care facilities in the state if you know where to look.

Question: “How to find out if an adult care facility is licensed? If licensed but not doing a good job of care of your loved one who can you report to,” asked viewer Denise.

Answer: Texas Health and Human Services agency manages licensing, credentialing, and regulation for long-term care providers and healthcare facilities. You can search for all kinds of helpful information there. Residential Care providers must be licensed as an assisted living facility and have a contract with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.

Search results on the state’s website will include information about inspections as well as best contact information and if they accept Medicaid or Medicare. When it comes to reporting an issue, the state has an online form and phone number you can call.

The following information can be requested by contacting HHSC via fax, email, or mail:

  • Complaint information
  • Investigation reports
  • Ownership information

To submit your request, please include your name, address, or other contact information and a clear description of the information you are requesting.


Fax: 512-438-2738

Mail: Texas Health and Human Services LTC-R Open Records Mail Code E-349 P.O. Box 149030 Austin, Texas 78714-9030

Question: What is the LTC Provider Search?

Answer: You’ll see “LTC” a lot as you are researching care facilities. It simply means “long-term care” and usually references facilities. While nothing can replace visiting a facility or meeting with a provider in person, the LTC Provider Search can help you learn more about these providers and facilities.

The LTC Provider Search includes information about:

  • Nursing homes
  • Assisted living facilities
  • Intermediate care facilities for people with IDD
  • Daytime programs for adults
  • Home health, hospice and personal assistance services
  • Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers

Need help navigating all of this?​

We’ve told you before you can contact an ombudsman to help work out issues you might be having. An ombudsman is like a mediator for families and care centers. The state office of the long-term care ombudsman has a directory where you enter your zip code and find a representative near you. Services are free and confidential.

The Houston-Galveston area Council on Aging can also help answer questions and connect you with someone.

If you have a question for me, I’d love to help you out! Email and I’ll try to find answers for you.​

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