News Andrew Gillum, former candidate for FL Gov., surrenders over alleged campaign fraud


Apr 18, 2022
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Andrew, Gillum, a former Democratic nominee for Florida governor, has surrendered to authorities over alleged fraud tied to his campaign, Local 10 News has learned.

It’s unclear what the exact charges are, but Gillum is expected to be indicted in federal court.

In a statement he released, Gillum said the alleged charges stem from political motives. “There has been a target on my back ever since I was the mayor of Tallahassee,” he said.

Gillum was the mayor of Tallahassee from 2014 through 2018.

He has been under federal investigation accused of accepting gifts from lobbyists and vendors while he was Tallahassee’s mayor.

He was Florida’s 2018 Democratic nominee for governor and came within 34,000 votes of becoming the state’s governor, but lost to Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Gillum’s attorneys say he is innocent of all charges.

Marc Elias, partner at the Elias Law Group and David Oscar Markus, of Markus/Moss, attorneys representing Gillum, released a prepared statement: “The government got it wrong today. The evidence, in this case, is clear and will show that Mr. Gillum is innocent of all charges. We look forward to putting this case to rest and giving Andrew and his family peace of mind once and for all”.

Gillum also said in a released statement: “I have spent the last 20 years of my life in public service and continue to fight for the people. Every campaign I’ve run has been done with integrity . . . They found nothing then, and I have full confidence that my legal team will prove my innocence now.”

In 2020, Gillum made headlines when he was discovered by police at a South Beach hotel incoherent.

In the early hours of March 13, police found him inebriated in a Miami Beach hotel room with two other men.

A photo of Gillum in a compromising position was leaked for the world to see.

Gillum denied taking methamphetamines but checked in to a rehab facility for treatment of alcoholism and depression.

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