Hypometabolic An Objective Look at the Blackpill Ideology


Class Conscious
Jan 5, 2022
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Women generally don’t use online dating apps, men do​

This statistic presents the distribution of active Tinder users in the United States as of March 2021, sorted by gender. During the measured period, it was found by App Ape that male users accounted for 76 percent of the dating app's active user accounts on the Android platform.

Only 7% of women actually used the most popular dating app.

According to April 2020 survey data of adults in the United States, 17 percent of male respondents were currently using Tinder. Only seven percent of female survey respondents confirmed being users of the social dating app.

Since a small selection of women are being analyzed in this context, so-called Blackpillers face a sample bias - one of which a small group of hypometabolic, risk-prone women are seen to represent all women.

Conclusions: Finding partners online was associated with markers of sexual risk, which might be important for clinical risk assessment, but this was not matched by uptake of sexual health services. Online opportunities to find partners have increased, so these data might underestimate the importance of this social phenomenon for public health and STI control.

Promiscuity among women is actually very low.

Incels care more about looks than women​

Only recently have researchers recognized that the qualities that are considered desirable in a short-term sexual partner may differ from those sought in a long-term marriage partner. To investigate this hypothesis, and to explore gender differences in what are considered to be sexually as opposed to maritally desirable characteristics, 70 male and female college students ranked a set of 23 characteristics in terms of desirability in a potential sexual and marriage partner. As hypothesized, results revealed that both men and women preferred a physically attractive potential sexual partner, and women showed no more preference than did men for a socially or financially powerful potential sexual partner. Also as predicted, men more than women preferred a physically attractive marriage partner; unexpectedly, women did not find such characteristics as social or financial power and a college degree as more desirable in a prospective spouse than did men. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

The Blackpill disregards socio-economic incentives/restrictors

Conclusions: The proportion of young Japanese adults with no experience of heterosexual intercourse had increased in the past two decades. Among adults in their thirties, around one in ten had no heterosexual experience. Unemployment, temporary/part-time employment and low income were associated with heterosexual inexperience among men. Further research is needed on the factors contributing to and the potential public health and demographic implications of the high proportion of the Japanese population that remains sexually inexperienced well into adult age.

Women are only very choosy in certain situations

Romantic courtship is often described as taking place in a dating market where men and women compete for mates, but the detailed structure and dynamics of dating markets have historically been difficult to quantify for lack of suitable data. In recent years, however, the advent and vigorous growth of the online dating industry has provided a rich new source of information on mate pursuit. We present an empirical analysis of heterosexual dating markets in four large U.S. cities using data from a popular, free online dating service. We show that competition for mates creates a pronounced hierarchy of desirability that correlates strongly with user demographics and is remarkably consistent across cities. We find that both men and women pursue partners who are on average about 25% more desirable than themselves by our measures and that they use different messaging strategies with partners of different desirability. We also find that the probability of receiving a response to an advance drops markedly with increasing difference in desirability between the pursuer and the pursued. Strategic behaviors can improve one’s chances of attracting a more desirable mate, although the effects are modest.

All in all, I believe people who subscribe to ideologies like these are ill/energy deficient, isolated in multiple aspects, and/or lacking general life experience.

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