News 5 tips to help keep your pets safe during Fourth of July weekend


Apr 15, 2022
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Fourth of July is one of the most stressful holidays for pets because of all the loud fireworks, so in an effort to help keep your pet safe this weekend, the Houston Humane Society put together a list of helpful tips.

Keep your pets indoors​

The Humane Society suggests that pet owners keep their pets inside and create a safe space for them in a closet, bathroom or crate without windows to help keep them calm. The organization also suggests keeping the TV on high volume or playing classical music to help with noise.

Don’t take it to go watch fireworks​

According to the Humane Society, pets do not understand that fireworks explosions are harmless and their instinct will tell them to run away, If the pet cannot flee, that could lead to extreme stress and even heart attacks.

Do not feed it barbecue or food off the grill​

No matter how cute your pet looks when it begs, do not give your pet any ribs, bones or other foods from the grill. They can be harmful to your pet and affect their digestive system. The Humane Society suggests having some treats on hand.

Make sure outdoor pets are safe and secure​

If your pet absolutely has to stay outside, ensure that it isn’t tied to a pole or tree, has a secure shelter, plenty of water and cannot jump over the fence. You will also need to make sure any gates are closed and that your pet cannot fit through or under them.

Get your pet microchipped, keep info updated​

Now is a good time to make sure your pet is microchipped as many pets get lost during the Fourth of July more than any other day of the year, according to and

If your pet is chipped, make sure all the information is up-to-date and that you have a current photo in case it does get out.

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