News 16-year-old’s food truck stirs up drama after opening across from Montgomery Steak Houston


Apr 15, 2022
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One teen’s hard work and dedication is now turning into a booming business.

Jacob Irving opened a food truck, which now has the Montgomery community buzzing. And it’s not just because of how the food tastes, but because of the drama that unfolded after the food truck started operating next to a steakhouse.

Over the weekend, the Old Montgomery Steak House advertised hot dogs and free ice cream just days after the food truck opened. The news spread quickly on social media and upset a lot of people.

On Wednesday, a local group put an end to the drama.

If you haven’t heard, Pop Pop’s Dandy Dog, owned by 16-year-old Irving, is the one-stop shop for hot dogs in Montgomery.

“I definitely don’t get the normal luxuries of (being) a teenager, but I get a lot of freedom that comes with being an adult too,” Irving said.

The teen said he’s keeping his grandfather’s legacy alive.

“He kept all of his recipes, all of his old logos and everything, and so, I took all that made it my own,” Irving said.

The teen has only been open for eight days and the community already loves the food truck.

“I think it’s awesome that a young man is out here working his summer in this heat,” Stephanie Johnson said.

But, things heated up this past weekend when the owner of the Old Montgomery Steak House, which is located across the street from the food truck, advertised $1.50 hot dogs and free ice cream for children.

“I received numerous threats,” the Old Montgomery Steak House owner Wayne Kung said.

KPRC2 asked Kung about the sign.

“My point on the thing is to basically tell the kids in life it’s never fair. If you want to be in competition, there’s competition everywhere,” he said.

Kung said he’s also had problems with people using his restroom and parking at the restaurant when they purchase hot dogs.

“It’s frustrating because I’m cleaning up their mess so they are making me be the bad person, but this building has been here for more than two decades and they’ve been here for one week,” Kung said.

“The only thing you can do with something petty like that is smile and return with kindness,” Irving said.

At the end of the day, Irving and Kung shook hands and squashed the drama, thanks to the Taylor Organization, who’s all about supporting the community and promoting positivity.

“We’re also here, not just for these two guys, but it’s for our community. We don’t want a black eye in our community over something like this. It’s all a misunderstanding, and now it’s fixed, “Allen Taylor, National President of the Taylor Organization, said.

KPRC2 also spoke to the newly-elected mayor Byron Sanford who urged the community to have peace and support both businesses.

As for Kung, he hopes the city can create a space for food trucks, while Irving says he will continue on with his business.

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